Using shortcuts with the PsN Shell object

The completed project (Ex02_PsN_ExecuteWithShortcut.phxproj) is available for reference in …\Examples\PsN.

Set up the project and data

The example control file is set up to look for the dataset source in C:\temp, so do either of the following:

Copy the THEOPP file from the …\Examples\PsN\ExampleWithShortcut folder to C:\temp.


Edit the model_file_with_shortcut.ctl file, if another location is desired.

Create a new project named Ex02_PsN_ExecuteWithShortcut.

Right-click Workflow in the Object Browser and select New > External Software > PsN Shell.

In the Options tab, check the Bring Model Files in as Shortcuts box.

Press Browse to Directory Containing Model Files, select …\Examples\PsN\ExampleWithShortcut, then press OK.

A link to the model_file_with_shortcut.ctl control file is added to the Shortcuts folder in the project and a new item appears in the Setup list: model_file_with_shortcut.

Specify the Root Working Directory, if needed.

You must have write permission for the selected folder.


Execute the PsN Shell object

Select the Execute tab and build a command.

Make sure the model_file_with_shortcut box is checked in the model list.

Check the -verbose checkbox.

Press Add to Commands List.


Execute the object.

This concludes the “Using shortcuts with the PsN Shell object” example. You may save the project or close it.

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