Executing a PsN Shell object

Click icon_execute (Execute icon) or to run the job remotely, click Execute Remotely in the Options tab.

Executing a third-party tool object remotely sends the job to the server that is defined in the Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences > Remote Execution).

The project must have been saved at least once prior to executing on RPS, otherwise execution will not pass validation and a message will be generated.

At this point, the step being executed on RPS and any dependent objects, are locked. It is now safe to close the project or to continue working in Phoenix.

In Phoenix, some objects in a workflow, when executed and the last object in a chain, will re-run any necessary objects earlier in the workflow. This is not true for the PsN object.

Note:    When executing PsN on JMS, the working folder must exist both on the client and on the JPS server or PsN will fail validation. Use a standard working folder location on all clients and make sure that the standard path also exists on all JPS servers.

Recovering from a failed PsN run

If a PsN run fails, do the following to attempt a restart of the job.

In the Command List panel, type ::RECOVER at the end of the command line whose execution failed. For example:

    1 bootstrap “psn3” -verbose -sample=1000 ::RECOVER 

Do not change anything else in the command, just add the keyword.

Press Apply and then execute the object.

PsN will go into the working directory and locate the latest output folder whose name matches the command signature (e.g., bootstrap_psn3_-verbose_sample_1000_…) and attempt to continue the processing that was done before.

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