Using the Results tab

The results of any operational object are in the Results tab. There are four types of output created by operational objects:

Worksheets: Shaded gray to denote that they cannot be edited (unless they are exported or copied to the Data folder).

Plots: Can be edited like any other plot object. Editing a plot does not mark an object as out-of-date, because Phoenix automatically updates the object as the plot is edited.

Text files: Typically contain object settings and a plain text version of the worksheet output.


The Results tab toolbar allows grouping, saving, and printing of results.


Do not group lists the output alphabetically.

Group by type lists the output in grouped by type.

Group by executable lists the output grouped by operational object. Group by executable is only available in the workflow object’s Results tab.

Expand all results shows all results items in the list.

Collapse all results collapses results so only the group headings are visible.

Copy to Documents copies the selected item to the Data, Tables, or Documents folder.

Export exports and saves the selected item.

Print sends the selected object to the printer.

An out-of-date result is shaded pink in the Object Browser. If the result is open in a separate window (by double-clicking the item in the Object Browser), the title bar will show “(Out of Date)” after the title. A result is considered out-of-date if some part of the operational object or its source data changes once the object is executed.

The following tasks are described in this section:

Specify a results worksheet as input

Copy results

Save result to a file

Print result

Specify a results worksheet as input

Right-click a worksheet in the Results tab.

Select Send To > (Object group) > (Operational object).

The operational object is added to the workflow and the result worksheet is mapped to it as the primary input data source. This is much simpler than exporting the worksheet or copying the worksheet to the Data folder.

Note:    Right-clicking a text file and using the Send To menu creates a new object but does not map the text file to the object.

Copy results

When creating a copy of a result:

Worksheets are placed in the Data folder in the project

Plots are saved to the Windows clipboard

Text files are placed in the Documents folder in the project

Tables are saved to the Tables folder in the project

To create a copy of a worksheet, text file, or table result:

Select the item in the Results tab.

Click icon_CopytoDataFolder (Copy icon) in the Results toolbar.


Right-click the item.

Select Copy to (Data Folder, Documents, or Tables Folder).

Note:    When a Data Wizard results worksheet is copied to the Data folder, the History tab will also contain all history records from the source worksheet that was mapped into the Data Wizard.

To create a copy of a plot in the Windows clipboard:

Right-click the plot.

Choose the image format to use when copying the plot to the clipboard: Copy high resolution image (vector) or Copy image (bitmap).

Save result to a file

Select the item in the Results tab and click icon_export (Export icon) in the Results toolbar.
Right-click the item and select Export.

In the dialog, select an export location.

Specify the file format.

Enter a name.

For plots, make any changes to the size of the image in the Image Settings part of the dialog.

Press the Save button.

Note:    For text file rtf file format, if the exported file contents do not appear to line up properly, change the font to Courier New 9pt.

For plots, if there are multiple tabs of plots for the selected plot result, all plots in all tabs are exported as the selected file type. For example, if there are five tabs of plots in the results and the selected file type is JPEG, five separate JPEG files are saved and named sequentially.

Print result

Select the item in the Results tab and click icon_printresults (Print Results icon) in the Results toolbar.
Right-click the item and select Print.

In the dialog, press the Print button to print the item.

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