The Secondary tab allows adding secondary parameters to the model.
Press Add to add a secondary parameter.
In the Parameter field, type a name for the secondary parameter.
In the Definition field, type a definition for the secondary parameter.
Enter the right side of an equation that uses parameters available in the model.
The equation must be a function of fixed effects such as tvV and/or covariates. Refer to the “Supported Math Functions” and “Pharmacometrics Modeling Language”sections in the PML documentation for a list of functions that are supported.
In the Units field, enter the units for the parameter, if needed. When executed, the units are applied to the output. If the data has units, the field is disabled.
Click the X button to remove a secondary parameter.
Note: Tmax can be defined as a secondary parameter by using the built-in function CalcTMax, e.g.:
If a Tlag variable is included in the dose point statement, the dosing is postponed by Tlag, so Tlag should be added into the secondary parameter definition for Tmax, e.g.:
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