Scenarios sub-tab

The Scenarios tab is only available for population models. The Scenarios tab lists all covariates effects in the model. If there are no covariate effects in the model, then there is no need to add scenarios.

If the Covariate Search Stepwise or the Covariate Search Shotgun run options are selected in the Run Options tab, then Phoenix automatically creates scenarios during the modeling run but only if covariate effects are used in the model. The new scenarios are added to the Scenarios tab.

Note:    Scenarios are run in the order they are listed on the Scenarios tab.

Click Add to add a scenario to append a new scenario.
Insert a new scenario between two others by clicking the + button of the preceding scenario.

Accept the default scenario name or type a new one.

Check the Select box to include the scenario(s) in a modeling run.

In the Annotation field, type a description of the scenario.

Select the Use option button for the scenario to use when the Simple run mode is selected in the Run Options tab.

In Simple run mode, only one scenario can be used during the modeling process. The Use option button determines which scenario is used during a simple run, no matter how many scenarios are selected.

Press All to select all scenarios.

Press None to clear all scenario selections.

To run the scenario(s), select the Run Options tab and choose the Scenarios run mode.

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