Dosing panel

The Dosing panel is useful for PK or PK/PD models in the case where the dosing information and observations are in different files.

None: Columns mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.

Sort: Up to 5 additional study variables used to sort the output. A separate analysis is performed for each unique combination of sort variable values. Do not use sort values when pooling data. See “A note about Pooled data” for more information.

ID: Up to 5 categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID and treatment in a crossover study. Only available in Population modeling.

Note:    If the number of variables mapped to Sort and ID exceeds five, only the first five will be used. In cases such as this, it is suggested to use less Sort/ID variables or merge them accordingly when possible.

A1: The amount of drug administered (Micro, Clearance, or Macro; A for Macro1). Used if Intravenous or Gamma, Inverse Gaussian, or Weibull is selected in the Absorption menu (Structure tab).

A1 Rate/A1 Duration: The rate/duration of drug delivery when Intravenous, Gamma, Inverse Gaussian, or Weibull is selected in the Absorption menu (Micro, Clearance, or Macro; A Rate for Macro1). The A1 Rate column appears when the Infusions possible? option is checked in the Structure tab. The A1 Duration column appears when both Infusions possible? and Duration? are checked.

Aa: The amount administered to the absorption compartment (Micro, Clearance, Macro or Macro1). Used if First-Order is selected in the Absorption menu (Structure tab).

Aa Rate/Aa Duration: The rate/duration of drug delivery when Intravenous, Gamma, Inverse Gaussian, or Weibull is selected in the Absorption menu. The Aa Rate column appears when the Infusions possible? option is checked in the Structure tab. The Aa Duration column appears when both Infusions possible? and then the Duration? are checked.

Time: The time of dose administration. See the “Time and date variable formatting” section for acceptable formatting.

Selecting different input options in the Input Options tab adds the following extra columns in the Dosing panel for each model.

MDV: Appears when MDV is checked in the Input Options tab. Missing dependent variable flag could be mapped. See the “Extra input options” section for more details on MDV.

Steady State: Appears when Steady State is checked in the Input Options tab. Used if the model reaches a steady state. See “More on Steady State” for more details.

ADDL: Appears when ADDL is checked in the Input Options tab. Used if additional identical doses are included in the dataset. See “More on ADDL” for more details.

Date: Appears when Date is checked in the Input Options tab. Year, month, and day are in a pre-specified format. See the “Time and date variable formatting” section for acceptable formatting.

Note:    If an internal worksheet is used, input for all values of the sort variables is required.

Rebuild an internal dosing worksheet when changing a model from individual to population, or vice versa, and changing between Sort and ID mapping. Otherwise, it can cause a verification error upon execution.

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