The Output Data section in the Results tab contains linear mixed effects output in worksheet format. The worksheets that are created depends on which model options are selected. All possible worksheets are listed below. For a comprehensive explanation of results worksheets, see the “Output explanations” section.
Contrasts: Hypothesis, df, F-statistic, and p-value.
Contrasts Coefficients: Shows the actual coefficients used in the contrasts.
Diagnostics: Model-fitting information.
Estimates: Estimate, standard error, t-statistic, pvalue, and interval.
Estimates Coefficients: Shows the actual coefficients used in the estimates.
Final Fixed Parameters: Estimates, standard error, t-statistic, p-value, and intervals.
Final Variance Parameters: Estimates and units of the final variance parameters.
Initial Variance Parameters: Initial values for variance parameters.
Iteration History: Data on the variable estimation in each iteration.
Least Squares Means: Least squares means, standard error, df, t-statistic, p-value, and interval.
LSM Coefficients: Shows the actual coefficients used in the least squares means test.
LSM Differences: Shows the differences of intervals and LSMs.
Parameter Key: Information about the variance structure.
Partial SS: Similar to Partial Tests but includes SS and MS.
Partial Tests: Tests of fixed effects but each term is tested last.
Residuals: Dependent variable(s), units, observed and predicted values, standard error and residuals.
Sequential SS: Similar to Sequential Tests but includes SS and MS.
Sequential Tests: Tests of fixed effect for significant improvement in fit, in sequence. Depends upon the order that model terms are written.
User Settings: Information about model settings.
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