Analysis produces up to eight graphs that are divided by each level of the sort variable. Plot output is listed underneath Plots in the Results tab.
Cumulative Rates: (Deconvolution models) Cumulative drug input vs. time.
Fitted Curves: (Deconvolution models) Observed time-concentration data vs. the predicted curve.
Input Rates: (Deconvolution models) Rate of drug input vs. time.
Observed Y and Predicted Y vs X: Plots the predicted curves as a function of X, with the Observed Y overlaid on the plot. Used for assessing the model fit.
Partial Derivatives Plot: Plots the partial derivative of the model with respect to each parameter as a function of the x variable.
If f(x; a, b, c) is the model as a function of x, based on parameters a, b, and c, then df(x; a, b, c)/da, df(x; a, b, c)/db, df(x; a, b, c)/dc are plotted versus x. Each derivative is evaluated at the final parameter estimates. Data taken at larger partial derivatives are more influential than those taken at smaller partial derivatives for the parameter of interest.
Predicted Y vs Observed Y: Plots weighted Y against observed Y.
Scatter should lie close to the 45 degree line.
Residual Y vs Predicted Y: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled throughout the range of the data.
Residual Y vs X: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled across the range of the X variable.
Weighted Predicted Y vs Observed Y: Plots weighted predicted Y against observed Y.
Scatter should lie close to the 45 degree line; only produced if a non-Uniform weighting scheme is used.
Weighted Residual Y vs Observed Y: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled across the range of the observed Y variable; only produced if a non-Uniform weighting scheme is used.
Weighted Residual Y vs Predicted Y: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled across the range of the predicted variable; only produced if a non-Uniform weighting scheme is used.
Weighted Residual Y vs Weighted Predicted Y: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled throughout the range of the data; only produced if a non-Uniform weighting scheme is used.
Weighted Residual Y vs X: Used to assess whether error distribution is appropriately modeled across the range of the X variable; only produced if a non-Uniform weighting scheme is used.
Double-click any plot in the Results tab to edit it. (See the “Plot Options tab” description in the plot documentation for editing options.)
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