Submit a job

JMS is intended to facilitate the off-loading of Phoenix processing to a remote source allowing work to continue while large and time consuming workflows are processed. These workflows and executable objects are later merged in to the originating Phoenix project.

To perform a remote execution of an object, click the Remote Execute icon in the Phoenix toolbar and select Yes in the Remote Execution Confirmation dialog.


The next dialog confirms successful submission to the remote Job Queue (JQS) of the job. Any executable that is not out-of-date or otherwise requiring executing cannot be submitted as a job.

If the remote machine cannot be reached, a dialog will display an error message and the locked objects will become unlocked.

Once the job is submitted, changes to any of the sources or dependents of the object(s) being executed are not permitted. They are in read-only state so that changes that happen to the objects on the server can be merged into the project. However, new objects can be added and multi-tasking can occur within the project while the job is executing. The exception is if the root workflow of the project is submitted. Locked workflows do not allow insertion or deletion of executables.


In the previous image, NCA has been submitted as a job, note the color in the diagram and the lock icon in the Object Browser

Viewing the history for any of the objects will reveal an entry showing that the object was executed remotely.


Note:    Projects executed on the Job Management Service will report local times in the History for that object. If the Server and Workstation times are not in sync, this could lead to events appearing to have occurred out of order. The system administrator should always attempt to keep all network participants time in sync.

A message in the Status Bar indicates when the remote execution completes. (Information also appears in the Status Bar when there is communication from the client to the JQS (e.g., sending job, receiving job results)).

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