Jobs Viewer

The Jobs Viewer is used to monitor jobs as they are being processed, and to merge results back into projects. Other work can continue and the Jobs Viewer checked at a later time via the Window > View Jobs menu option (CTL+J).


The Jobs Viewer displays several properties of the jobs including:

Status: Displays where the job is in the processing flow. The typical ordering of the states is.

Submitted: Job is on the queue waiting to be processed.
Processing: Job is being processed by a Job Processing (JPS) node. In this state, there will be additional information letting you know what machine it is being processed on and how long it has been running.
Results in Queue: Job has finished processing and the results can be merged back into the original project.
Finished: Job was completed and results merged back into the project.
Canceled: Job was canceled by the user.

Project: The name of the project from which the job was submitted.

Submitted By: The username of the person who submitted the job.

Name: The name of the object submitted.

Source Project: The full path to the project from which the job was submitted.

Submit Time: The day, month, year, and time the job was submitted.

Processing Time: The length of computational time it took to complete the job.

The checkboxes at the bottom of the viewer enable quick filtering of the listed jobs (Filter out Finished/Canceled jobs or Filter out jobs from other users). By default, only jobs submitted by the current user that are actively executing are listed.

Job Viewer toolbar icons include:

Canceljobbutton Cancel the execution. (A confirmation dialog will display.)

icon_jmsrefresh Refresh of the viewer list.

icon_merge Merge a selected job.

The RPS queue can also be accessed via the Jobs Viewer through the Action > View RPS Queue menu item.

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