JMS Admin Tool

Note:    The JMS Admin Tool should only be installed on the machines of JMS administrators. It is not included in a typical Phoenix installation.

Install the JMS Admin Tool

Start the Admin Tool

Change job priority

Cancel a job

Install the JMS Admin Tool

Select the Custom option during Phoenix installation.

Expand the Phoenix Application node.

Select Will be installed on local hard drive for the JMS Admin Tool feature.

Continue with Phoenix installation.

Start the Admin Tool

Open Windows Explorer.

Navigate to the Phoenix installation directory (e.g., for 64-bit machines: C:\Program Files (x86)\Certara\Phoenix\application).

Double-click JobManagementAdmin.exe.

Once the application is started it will display a list of jobs currently in the JMS queue.


Jobs are displayed in the order that they will be executed with the job that will be executed first at the top of the list.

Change job priority

Click the Set the priority for the selected job icon in the toolbar.

Use the Priority dialog to change the priority or promote the job within its priority.

Click the Promote job… checkbox to execute the job before other jobs with the same priority, even if they were submitted prior to the job. If more than one job within a priority have been promoted, then submission time will determine which will be processed first.

Cancel a job

Select the job to be canceled.

Click Cancel Job icon in the toolbar.

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