Configure the JPS to use the RPS
In addition to being able to execute Phoenix objects, the JPS can be configured to send certain pieces of work to a remote server for execution. For instance, assume that NONMEM is already installed on a server somewhere in the organization. The JPS can be configured so that all NONMEM jobs are executed on the server where NONMEM and the Phoenix Remote Server are already installed. Phoenix objects that can be setup for remote execution include Phoenix Model, NONMEM Shell, R Shell, SAS Shell, and PsN Shell.
When JPS sends part of a job for remote execution, JPS will wait for the execution results to return before continuing with the rest of the job.
Stop the JPS.
Using a text editor, open PhoenixRemoteSettings.xml which is located in the Phoenix application folder on the JPS machine.
Modify the server element so that it references the RPS Queue Server.
Set executeRemotely to true for all process types you wish to be executed by the RPS. All other process types would be false.
After saving your changes to PhoenixRemoteSettings.xml, restart JPS.
See “PhoenixRemoteSettings.xml file” for more file information.
Deploy the RPS Queue and Processor
The Remote Phoenix Server Queue (RPS Queue) is a Java servlet that runs in a Java servlet container. Tomcat must be installed on a computer that the JPS machine can ping. (Refer to the “Remote Processing Server” for more information.) The following instructions assume that Tomcat is being used.
Deploy the RPS Processor in Console mode
Deploy the RPS Processor as an Automatic Windows Service
Install Apache Tomcat after the latest JDK is installed.
Shutdown Tomcat.
Copy PhoenixServer.war to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps.
Restart Tomcat.
The RPS Processor is installed on the same machine as the third-party software (for NLME execution, no additional software is required). Currently, there are remote processors for NLME, NONMEM, PsN, R, and SAS. The RPS uses a plug-in architecture and it is possible to add processors not shipped with Phoenix.
Any number of RPS Processors can be configured and each one can be limited to processing specific job types.
Deploy the RPS Processor in Console mode
Copy to the machine that will perform the execution.
The executing machine must be able to ping the RPS Queue machine.
Create a new folder where RPS Queue will be installed.
Unzip into the new installation folder.
Modify the serverConfig.xml file according to your needs.
It must reference the RPS Queue Server and have the correct executable path value specified. For example, C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.0\bin\R.exe for R version 3.6.0. If the executing machine has multiple processors, the maxProcesses attribute can be increased to an appropriate number, and the RPS will process up to that many jobs simultaneously.
Valid values must be present in the serverConfig.xml for communicating with the Web server (DNS name or IP address), root (default is PhoenixServer), Web server port, SSL configuration, timeout, and pollinterval.
After saving changes to serverConfig.xml start the RPS Processor by opening a command window, navigating to the installation folder, and typing:
java -jar PhoenixJobProcessor.jar
Deploy the RPS Processor as an Automatic Windows Service
Copy to the machine that will perform the execution.
The executing machine must be able to ping the RPS Queue machine.
Create a new folder where RPS Queue will be installed.
Unzip into the new installation folder at the root of this folder.
Modify the serverConfig.xml file according to your needs.
It must reference the RPS Queue Server and have the correct executable path value specified. For example, C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.0\bin\R.exe for R version 3.6.0. If the executing machine has multiple processors, the maxProcesses attribute can be increased to an appropriate number, and the RPS will process up to that many jobs simultaneously.
Valid values must be present in the serverConfig.xml for communicating with the Web server (DNS name or IP address), root (default is PhoenixServer), Web server port, SSL configuration, timeout and pollinterval.
Edit the file install_service.bat to reflect the location of the folder created in Step 2 for the following entries, editing only the path statement after each of these parameters.
{job_processor.exe //IS//PhoenixJobProcessor --Install=}
Save and close the batch file.
Execute the batch file as an administrative user on the target Windows system.
Optionally, the Windows Service can be set to start automatically. Doing this prevents the need to restart this service after each reboot in order to enable the processing of jobs sent to the RPS Queue.
To edit the Windows Service startup option:
Click Start or Start Orb and select the Run option.
Type Services.msc and press Enter. This opens the Services Console Window.
Find and double-click the Service named Phoenix Job Processor, unless you edited the installation batch file to change this name.
Change the Startup type for this service to Automatic and click Start.
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