Slopes panel

In the Slopes panel, enter the start times, end times, and exclusions used to calculate the Lambda Z for each profile defined in the Slopes panel. Enter AUC¥ values, select the AUC computation method, enter Lambda Z and intercept values, and select the Lambda Z calculation method.

The following section contains usage instructions. For descriptions of how the Loo-Riegelman model determines Lambda Z or slope estimation settings, see “Lambda Z or Slope Estimation settings” in the NCA section.

Define slopes and select calculation methods

Select Slopes in the Setup tab.

Type the start and end time values in the Start Time and End Time columns for each profile.

Type excluded time points in the Exclusions column for each profile.

Exclude multiple time points for a profile by typing the time points in the same cell and separating the time points with a semicolon.

Type custom AUC¥ values in the AUCINF column. The value must be greater than zero.

Select an AUC calculation method in the AUC Method column.

Type Lambda Z values in the LambdaZ column.

Type slope intercept values in the *Intercept column.

Slope intercept values are optional. If no intercept value is entered, Phoenix computes it as: intercept = Lambda_z(tlast) + ln(Clast)

Select a Lambda Z calculation method in the Fit Method column.

Apply slope and calculation settings to multiple profiles

Type the desired start and end times, exclusions, and other values and select the calculation methods for the first profile or profile group.

When all changes are made, use the pointer to highlight all the rows for every column between Start Time and Fit Method columns for the first profile or profile group.

Place the pointer over the black square on the lower right side of the selection. The pointer changes to the following shape. This signifies that the drag and fill feature can be used.


Press the left mouse button and drag the selection down to fill the InVitro Estimates cells beside each formulation.

Use the following instructions to copy the same settings from one profile to another.

Enter all necessary values and select the calculation methods for a profile.

Use the pointer to highlight the entire row.

The pointer changes to the following shape. This signifies that the drag feature can be used.

Press the left mouse button to drag the target row of slope settings to the destination row.

Example column headings for Slopes table:

Sort variable(s): Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID. Selected sort variables in the Main Mappings panel are used as default column headings.

Start Time: Type times for Lambda Z estimation in the Start and End fields.

End Time: Type the times for Lambda Z estimation in the Start and End fields.

Exclusions: Excluded data points in the plots.

AUCINF: Custom AUCINF values. The values must be greater than zero.

AUC Method: Select a method to use to calculate the AUC to time=infinity.

LambdaZ: Type values in the LambdaZ and Intercept fields. Intercept values are optional, so if no intercept value is entered, Phoenix computes it as: intercept = Lambda_z(tlast) + ln(Clast)

Intercept: Y-intercept value. Entering this value is optional.

Fit Method: Select Best Fit, Parameters, or Time Range as the Lambda Z calculation method.

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