The Parameter block is used to add extra structural parameters to a model.
The Parameter block’s input nodes are labeled S1, S2, and so forth depending on how many Parameter blocks are added to the model. The output node is labeled based on the name given to the parameter.
The input node on the Parameter block can be connected to output nodes on PK compartments, observation blocks, PD blocks, and other parameter blocks. Once an output node is connected, its name cannot be changed.
Insert a Parameter block by selecting Insert > Parameter from the right-click menu.
With the Parameter block selected, type a name for the parameter in the name field.
Check the Sequential PK/PD? box if the PK model is part of a PK/PD model that is being fitted sequentially. This will freeze the PK portion of the model and turn its random effects into covariates. See the “Sequential PK-PD population model fitting” section for more information.
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