Custom options

Custom transformations are defined using functions provided by Phoenix.

In the Formula field, type a custom function or select a function name in the Function List and drag it to the Formula field.

Custom functions can be defined, edited, and combined in the Formula field. The if custom function allows creation of a compound function using the logical operators & (and) and | (or). For example, if((col1=1) & (col2=2), 1, 0). Each condition in the if statement must be placed in parentheses. The function name must be followed immediately by the left parenthesis, there cannot be a space.

See “Example custom functions” for a list of all functions and examples of how to use them. The same information is also listed in the Function List in the Options tab.

In the Main Mappings panel, click the option buttons to specify the mapping contexts created by the custom function.

Continue with Step in the “Options tab” section.

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