Data Link Object

Data Link is an operational object that allows adding/removing/renaming of required columns so that datasets with different column names can be used without having to do a specific column rename. This facilitates reuse of workflows by standardizing the column names of input.

If a workflow template is saved without using data links, all links from the external sources will be missing when the template is applied to another workflow. The more complex the workflow, the harder it is to establish new links to replace those that were lost. If data links are included in the template being applied, simply connect the source data to the data links themselves. Each data link distributes the data to where it is needed in the workflow.

Use one of the following to add the object to a Workflow:
Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > System > Data Link.
Main menu: Insert > System > Data Link.
Right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > System > Data Link.

Map the data by dragging the dataset from the Data folder to the Setup tab or use the icon_select_source icon in the Setup tab.

Set required columns and names

When creating a Data Link, by default all columns in the original dataset are shown as being required. A required column must be mapped to a column in the input dataset. If a new dataset does not have one of the columns listed in the Data Link, either the column must be removed from the list of required columns or the data must be added to the dataset and mapped to the required column before the Data Link can be executed.


In the Options tab of a Data Link object, press Initialize From Input to list only columns in the input dataset. Any columns added to the list via the Add button are removed.

To add a column, press Add and enter the name in the Column Name field.

To remove a column(s), select the column name(s) in the list and press Remove.

To rename a column, select the column name from the list and enter a new name in the Column Name field.

Use the up and down arrows to reorder the columns.

Press Remove unmapped columns to delete all columns that are not mapped to the input data.

Control connections with external sources and data links

Before saving a workflow template, the Connect External Source to Data Links feature should be used. This feature creates a data link object for every worksheet coming into the workflow. It is a way of making place holders in the workflow so someone using the template can see where external data are needed. Therefore, it is recommended that the workflow be finalized, external sources be connected using data links, and then save the workflow as a template.

To connect an external source, in a Diagram window that has external sources mapped directly to operational objects, right-click and select Connect External Source to Data Links.

If there is an existing Data Link object and all columns in the input match the columns in the object, then the connections will be redirected through that Data Link object.

If columns in an existing Data Link do not match all the columns of the input, then the existing Data Link will not be used. Phoenix will create a new Data Link object to match all columns exactly.


To disconnect a source, right-click in the Diagram and select Disconnect External Data Links.

The External Sources and operational objects will be directly connected.

Use of the Connect External Source Data Links feature is demonstrated in the “Workflows and Templates example”.

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