Import files
Click (Import File icon) in the Phoenix toolbar.
Select the File > Import menu option.
Press CTRL+I.
Right-click the Data Folder in the Object Browser and select Import.
Navigate to and select the file(s) to import in the dialog.
If the file has a .csv or .dat extension, the File Import Wizard dialog is displayed (see “Importing datasets”).
Import files as shortcuts
Select File > Custom Import > File Shortcut.
Locate and select the file using the file browser and press Open.
Files imported as shortcuts are placed in the Shortcuts folder, within a sub-folder named after the file extension.
Import folder of files
Select File > Custom Import > Import Folder.
Locate and select the folder using the Browse For Folder dialog and press OK.
All files and sub-folders within the selected folder will be imported into the Documents folder, with the directory structure maintained.
Phoenix supports importing files of the types listed below. Depending on the file type selected, different import options are presented. Some file types have no import options.
ASCII Data (*.csv, *.dat): Displays the File Import Wizard dialog.
BQL Rule Set (*.phxruleset): Adds new BQL rule set to the BQL Rules folder.
Enhanced Meta File (*.emf): Imported in the Documents folder.
Excel 97–2003 Workbook (*.xls): Displays the File Import Wizard.
Excel Workbook (*.xlsx): Displays the File Import Wizard.
Image File (*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png): Imported in the Documents folder.
Phoenix Projects (*.phxproj): Can only be loaded using the import function if a project is already open in Phoenix. No import options.
SAS Transport Files (*.xpt): Imported into the Data folder. (Phoenix supports XPORT SAS Transport Format versions 5, 6, 8, and 9.)
sas7bdat (*.sas7bdat): Imported into the Data folder (Phoenix supports uncompressed sas7bdat files).
Text (*.bat, *.ctl, *.mdl, *.mod, *.r, *.sas, *.ssc, *.tdl, *.txt, *.vbs): Imported into the Code folder.
Windows Meta File (*.wmf): Imported into the Documents folder.
Any files that do not have an extension are placed in the Code folder when imported.
Note: The following legacy file formats are no longer supported: .lib, .pwo, .pmo, .pto, .pco, .bql, .tdf, .xml, .lml, .cmd, .ivc, .map, .wsp, .pws. Files of these types can still be imported into a project using Phoenix32.exe. Once the project is saved, it can be opened in either 32- or 64-bit Phoenix and the imported files accessed.
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