Framework Tests
PHX Installation: Proper installation of all files in the correct location.
CSV File Comparison Success: Correct identification of identical CSV files by the comparison tool.
CSV File Comparison Failure: Correct identification of differing CSV files by the comparison tool.
NLME Tests
NLME BQL LLOQ PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus Laplacian: NLME BQL with censor column and BQL with static LLOQ, for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose and multiplicative error, using Laplacian engine.
NLME Count NegativeBinomial RandomBlocks Laplacian: NLME Count model with correlated random effect blocks, using LL statement for negative binomial count model and Laplacian engine.
NLME Event 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorp ImaxHazard QRPEM: NLME Time-To-Event model, using joint PK 1cmpt 1st-order absorption model and time-to-event model, with hazard described by Imax model, using QRPEM engine
NLME Indirect 1Cmpt 1stOrder StimLimitBuildup FOCE ELS: NLME indirect response built-in model, with 1cmpt 1st-order absorption PK model and limited stimulation of buildup, with multiplicative error, using FOCE-ELS engine
NLME Indirect 1Cmpt IV InhibLimitLoss Effect FOCE ELS: NLME indirect response model, with 1-cmpt IV bolus PK model, limited inhibition of loss, and effect cmpt, with multiplicative error, using FOCEELS engine.
NLME Logistic Regression Laplacian: NLME Logistic Regression model, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PD Inhibitory AdditiveError FOCE ELS: NLME inhibitory PD model with additive error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Inhibitory AdditiveError FOCE LB Comparer: NLME inhibitory PD model with additive error, using FOCE L-B engine, compared with FOCE ELS using Model Comparer.
NLME PD Stimulatory AddPlusMultError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory PD model with Add+Mult error model, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory Baseline PowerError Laplacian: NLME stimulatory PD model with baseline and power error model, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory MixRatioError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory PD model with Mix Ratio error model, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory Sigmoidal MultError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory sigmoidal PD model with multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 0OrderAbsorption ODE FO IT2S: NLME 1-cmpt graphical PK model with 0-order absorption and multiplicative error, as ODE, using FO and IT2S-EM engines to obtain initial estimates.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 0OrderAbsorption ODE Laplacian: NLME 1-cmpt graphical PK model with 0-order absorption and multiplicative error, as ODE, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption SS FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model at steady-state, with 1st-order absorption and multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 1stOrder Absorption Tlag FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK built-in model with a lag time, with 1st-order absorption and multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus IOV Reset QRPEM MAP: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, interoccasion covariate, and Reset, using QRPEM engine with MAP Assist.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus MDV FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, IV bolus dose, and MDV column, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus MM ODE FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose and Michaelis-Menten elimination, as ODE, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus Nonparametric: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV bolus dose, using Nonparametric engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Infusion ADDL Cov CorrRandom FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV infusion and ADDL dosing, continuous covariate, and correlated random effects, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Infusion QRPEM: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV infusion dose, using QRPEM engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption Cov FOCE ELS: NLME 2-cmpt PK model with 1st-order absorption, multiplicative error, and a categorical covariate, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus EliminationCmpt ODE Laplacian: NLME 2-cmpt PK model with elimination compartment (plasma and urine observations) and IV bolus dose, as ODE, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus LogAdditiveError FOCE ELS: NLME 2-cmpt PK built-in model with IV bolus dose and log-additive residual error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 3Cmpt IV Bolus Micro FOCE ELS: NLME 3-cmpt PK built-in model with micro parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV bolus dose, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PKPD 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption Inhibitory QRPEM: NLME PKPD model with 1-cmpt 1st-order absorption PK model and inhibitory PD model, with multiplicative error, using QRPEM engine.
NLME PKPD Seq 1Cmpt IV Stim Baseline AddError FOCE ELS: NLME sequential PKPD model with 1-cmpt IV bolus PK model and stimulatory PD model with baseline, with additive error, using FOCE-ELS engine.
NLME Profile PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Profile option with 10% and -10% perturbations, for 2-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose.
NLME Resampling Bootstrap PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Bootstrap for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, using 100 samples.
NLME RunMPI PKPD 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorp Inhibitory QRPEM
NLME Simulation PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Simulation for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, for 1000 subjects, with simulation tables for observations at specified times and for parameter estimates
NLME Stepwise Shotgun Cov Search PK 1Cmpt: NLME Stepwise and Shotgun Covariate Searches for 1-cmpt PK model with continuous and categorical covariates.
NLME VPC ExplicitBin CovStrat PK 2Cmpt: NLME Visual Predictive Check (VPC) with explicit-centers binning and stratification by categorical covariate, for 2-cmpt PK model with 1st-order absorption
NLME VPC NoBin NoStrat PK 2Cmpt: NLME Visual Predictive Check (VPC) for 2-cmpt PK model with covariate, without binning or stratification.
PHX Desc Stats No Weighting: Descriptive Statistics with no weighting, including confidence intervals, specified number of SD, standard percentiles, and user-defined percentiles.
PHX Desc Stats Weighting: Descriptive Statistics with weighting, including confidence intervals and units.
PHX DW Transformation Arithmetic: Data Wizard Transformation with each of the predefined arithmetic transformations.
PHX DW Transformation Baseline: Data Wizard Baseline Transformations including change from fixed value, change from minimum per group, percent change from fixed value, and ratios using minimum per group.
PHX DW Transformation Functions: Data Wizard Transformation to perform inverse, absolute, exponential, ln, log10, and square root calculations.
PHX Indiv LM 501: Non-population Phoenix Model with constant linear model.
PHX Indiv MM 301: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, bolus input, and Michaelis-Menten output.
PHX Indiv PD 103: Non-population Phoenix Model with an inhibitory effect E0 model.
PHX Indiv PD 105: Non-population Phoenix Model with Sigmoid Emax model.
PHX Indiv PK 1 Clearance: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, IV bolus input, and first-order output with clearance parameterization.
PHX Indiv PK 1 PD 101: Non-population Phoenix Model with an effect compartment PK/PD link model.
PHX Indiv PK 12: Non-population Phoenix Model with two compartments, first-order input, first-order output, lag time, and with micro-constants as primary parameters.
PHX Indiv PK 18: Non-population Phoenix Model with three compartments, IV bolus input, first-order output, and with macro-constants as primary parameters.
PHX Indiv PK 6: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, equal first-order input and output, and with lag time.
PHX Indiv PK 9 Units: Non-population Phoenix Model with two compartments, constant IV infusion input, first-order output, and with micro-constants as primary parameters, with units for the primary and secondary parameter results.
PHX Ratios and Differences: Ratios and Differences from one input worksheet, from two input worksheets, and using means of non-unique values.
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