Worksheet 1 and 2 Mappings panel

Mappings panels identify how input variables are to be used. Map the data by dragging the dataset from the Data folder to the Setup tab or use the icon_select_source icon in the Setup tab.

Once a dataset is mapped, use the option buttons in the Mappings panels to assign the columns in the dataset to the appropriate context associations. Required context mappings are colored orange.

Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles.

Filter: (Optional) Column containing the X/Y filter value. This column is a special case of a sort variable that is used to split or filter the data into subsets, and the subsets are used to define which data (in another column) is to be used for X (the numerator in the case of ratios) and which data (in another column) is for Y (the denominator in the case of ratios). For example, a column named Day, which contains the values Day 1 and Day 14, is mapped as the Filter, and Day 14 will be used to filter for the rows where data in other columns will be used as numerator values, and similarly Day 1 will be used to filter for the rows where data in other columns will be used as denominator values. If Filter is not mapped, then only the Sort(s) are used to split the data.

Carry: Variable(s) to copy to the output worksheets.

Separate computations are computed for each unique combination of sort variables.

Note:    If no Sort is mapped, the input is assumed to be from one profile.

If no Sort or Filter is mapped, then this defines a special case where the X and Y columns will be required to be different columns (either on one worksheet or from two worksheets), and the Ratios and Differences object will compute the X/Y ratios (or differences) row-by-row.

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