Saving a project


Use one of the following to save a project:

Main menu: File > Save Project.

Main toolbar: icon_save_project

Right-click project: Save Project.

Keyboard: Type CTRL+S.

If a project has not been previously saved, in the Save Project dialog:

a.  Specify the directory.

b.  Specify a file name in the File name field.

c.  Press Save to save the project.

Save a project under a new name

1.  Select File > Save Project As.


Right-click a project in the Object Browser and select Save Project As.

2.  In the Save Project dialog, type a new file name in the File name field and press Save.

Save all open projects

1.  Select File > Save All Projects.

2.  If a project has not been previously saved, in the Save Project dialog, type a new file name in the File name field and press Save.

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