
Dosing can be specified in two places, the model file and the column definition file. For more, see the “Modeling Project Files” section.

In the model, the dosepoint statement specifies the compartment that can receive dose. Its syntax is given by:

[, tlag = expr]
[, duration = expr]
[, rate = expr]
[, bioavail = expr]

The options tlag, duration, rate, and bioavail are optional and their meanings are given as follows:

tlag=expr: dose delivery is delayed by expr 

duration=expr: zero-order absorption with duration spanning expr time units

rate=expr: zero-order absorption with rate being expr mass unit/time unit

bioavail=expr: the fraction of dose absorbed is expr 

The dosepoint statement can also include statements to be executed right before and/or after delivery of the dose, as follows.


A block refers to a pair of curly brackets {...} with zero or more statements in between them. For more information on dobefore and doafter, see the “Action code” section.

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