Displaying options

In the PKS Browser, the studies are listed in alphabetical order by default. They can also be grouped by indication, project, portfolio, compound, and type.

Click icon_displayoptns (Display Options icon) to set the browser display options.


Use the pointer to select one or more of the properties in the Available Properties list and press Add to move properties to the Selected Properties list. (Use the Remove button to move properties back to Available Properties list.

Change the display order of selected properties by selecting a property and doing any of the following:

Press the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Select the Display latest scenarios first checkbox (displays the scenarios in reverse order of derivation).

Select the Display all uniquely named scenarios first checkbox (displays all uniquely named scenarios at the root level). This option can be useful when multiple branches of a scenario, such as a new version with a different name, exist.

To use the current settings in the dialog as the default display options, turn on the Set as default display options checkbox.

Press OK to change the view of the studies and/or scenarios.


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