
NonParametric superposition generates worksheets containing predicted concentrations and Lambda Z values, as well as plots of predicted concentration over time for each sort level, and a summary plot.

The Concentrations worksheet contains times and predicted concentrations for each level of the sort variables. If a regular dosing schedule is selected, this output represents times and concentrations between two doses at steady state. If a variable dosing schedule is selected, the output includes the times and concentrations within the supplied output range.

The Lambda Z worksheet contains the Lambda Z value and the half-life for each sort key.

Note:    NPS and NCA Best-Fit Lambda Z calculations can generate slightly different Lambda Z values (at the sixth significant digit) when the input data contains eight significant digits or more.

NPS stops if the last three points fail to compute Lambda Z (such as the last three points going uphill). If this situation occurs, you can execute NCA on the data using the default settings, and then map the NCA Slopes result to the Terminal Phase setup in the NPS object. The NCA execution will check further back in the dataset to see if a larger group of points ending with the last point will yield a valid Lambda Z.

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