The results are displayed on the Results tab, grouped as follows:
Output Data: Datasets in tabular form.
Text Output: Settings files, log files, and other text output.
Other: For example: documents, export files, binary files, etc.
Images: Graphs or other images in recognized image formats (jpg, tiff, emf, etc.).
Statements in the NONMEM control file can impact the information presented in the results.
To correctly load TABLE files generated by NONMEM, the ONEHEADER command must be present in the control file as part of the TABLE statements.
If the control file has a $COV statement, then the total number of parameters in the model are reported in the Summary table. If there is no $COV statement, then the number of parameters can be specified in the control file by adding this comment prior to the $EST statement:
; #parameters= X
where X is an integer.
If the control file contains several $EST statements, the number of parameters comment preceding the estimate statement(s) is used.
If the number of parameters is available, then AIC and BIC are calculated:
AIC=Min. Val. Of Obj. Func+2*(Tot. #Params)
BIC=Min. Val. Of Obj. Func+(Tot. #Params*Loge(Tot.#obs))
NONMEM generated output
PHXTBL: Summary of ID, TIME, CWRES, DV, PRED, RES, and WRES. The table is generated by default even if there is no TABLE statement in the control file. (Do not use the name PHXTBL (lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case) for any other table since the name is in use.)
Summary: Contains the total number of observations, total number of subjects, lengths of theta, minimum objective function value, total number of parameters, AIC, BIC, and the conditions for estimation.
GFCOMPILE: List of Digital FORTRAN compiler messages created during NONMEM execution.
FCON: NONMEM control stream file.
FDATA: Dataset used with NONMEM.
FREPORT: List of subroutines that generate commands used to create the NONMEM model.
FSTREAM: NONMEM file control stream.
FSUBS: List of generated FORTRAN subroutines.
PRDERR: List of errors encountered during execution of the PRED subroutine.
Raw_Output: Unparsed output from NONMEM.
Settings: Input worksheet used and the options selected.
stdout: Warnings and errors (if any) for problems.
Parameter data tables
Sigma SE: Standard error(s) of the observation error variance estimates if the $COV statement is in the control file.
Theta: Fixed effect estimates.
Omega: Estimates of the elements of the random effect(s) covariance matrix.
Sigma: Estimates of the observation error variance(s).
Table 1: NONMEM generated table files.
COVARIANCE MATRIX OF ESTIMATE: Covariance matrix for the model parameter estimates if the $COV statement is in the control file.
CORRELATION MATRIX OF ESTIMATE: Correlation matrix for the model parameter estimates if the $COV statement is in the control file.
Theta SE: Standard errors of the fixed effect estimates (thetas) if the $COV statement is in the control file.
Omega SE: Standard errors of the random effect covariance matrix element estimates (omegas), if the $COV statement is in the control file.
(Optional) File name of the TABLE statement: NONMEM generated table files.
Double-click any plot in the Results tab to edit it. (See the “Plot Options tab” description in the plotting section for more details.) Any plot edits are retained during consecutive NONMEM modeling runs.
DV VS PRED: Dependent variable in the X-axis and predicted variable in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
PRED VS CWRES: Predicted variable in the X-axis and conditional weighted residuals in the Y-axis.
PRED VS RES: Predicted variable in the X-axis and residual variable in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
PRED VS WRES: Predicted variable in the X-axis and weighted residuals in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
TIME VS DV: Time in the X-axis and dependent variable in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
TIME VS CWRES: Time in the X-axis and conditional weighted residuals in the Y-axis.
TIME VS PRED: Time in the X-axis and predicted variable in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
TIME VS RES: Time in the X-axis and residual variable in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
TIME VS WRES: Time in the X-axis and weighted residuals in the Y-axis. Generated by default.
(Optional) Plot names in the $SCAT statement: NONMEM generated plots. Note that SCAT statements in NONMEM code will only automatically generate a plot in Phoenix if there is a TABLE statement in NONMEM that contains the variable being plotted. Third-party tool objects generate a TABLE statement automatically for ID, TIME, DV, PRED, RES, and WRES and thus, SCAT statements involving these variables will be created. If other variables are required by the SCAT statement, they must be specified in a TABLE statement.
Text file
Settings: Mappings, option settings, and the updated concentration column.
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