

Correlation Matrix of Estimate: Estimates of the correlation of model parameter estimates listed for all the models being compared.

Covariance Matrix of Estimate: Variance-covariance matrix for model parameter estimates listed for all the models being compared.

Omega: Estimates of the random effect variance-covariance matrix (Omega) and standard errors of omega elements listed for all the models being compared.

Overall: Stacks the table 'Summary' result for each individual run but does not present any comparison calculation. Columns include:

NAME: The name of the NONMEM object being compared

Tot. # Obs: Total number of observations

Tot. # Individuals: Total number of individuals

Length of Theta: Total number of fixed effects variables

Min. Val Of. Obj. Func: The minimum value of the objective function for each NONMEM run

AIC: Akaike Information Criterion for each model run

BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion for each model run

Conditions of Estimation: The $EST statement of each control file

Residuals: Stacked results from PHXTBL created for each individual NONMEM run with the addition of Model name. It contains columns for NAME (Model names being compared), ID, TIME, CWRES, DV, PRED, RES, and WRES.

Sigma: Estimates and standard errors of the observation error variance-covariance matrix (Sigma) for all models being compared.

Theta: Estimates and standard errors of the observation error variance-covariance matrix (Sigma) for all models being compared.

Summary: Estimates and standard errors of the fixed effect parameters (Theta) for all models being compared. Models are shown across the top. Columns include:

NAME: The name of the NONMEM object being compared

Method: The $EST statement of each control file

Lineage: List the 'parent' (i.e., reduced model) if the current model is a 'child' (derived from but with additional parameters) of another model

Min. Val. Of Obj. Func: The minimum value of the objective function for each NONMEM run

AIC: Akaike Information Criterion for each model run

BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion for each model run

–2(LL)Delta: Difference in Min. Val. Of Obj. Func. for nested models only (Lineage-Child model)

AICDelta: Difference in AIC values. for nested models only (Lineage-Child model)

BICDelta: Difference in BIC values for nested models only (Lineage-Child model)

#params: Number of model parameters

#obs: Number of observations

#Subj: Number of subjects

p-value: Chi-Square p-value based on the Likelihood Ratio Test for nested models only


The Plot Table is generated and illustrates all the selected plots in rows for each model being compared (columns). This plot table is not editable and it places side by side the plots from the individual runs for easy visualization. Any changes made to the individual run plots will be reflected in this Plot table. This table can be exported or printed using the right-click menu options.

Text Files

The Settings text file is generated and contains the list of current columns, plots, and models being compared.

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