After an NCA object is executed, the output is displayed on the Results tab in Phoenix.
Worksheet output: worksheets listing input data, output parameters, as well as execution summary.
Plot output: plots of observed and predicted data.
Core Output: Text version of all model settings and output, including any errors that occurred during modeling.
Settings: Text file listing the user-specified settings in the NCA object.
Worksheet output contains summary tables of the modeling data and a summary of the information in the Core Output. The worksheets present the output in a form that can be used for reporting and further analyses. The results worksheets are listed on the Results tab underneath Output Data.
Note: The worksheets produced depend on the analysis type and model settings.
Dosing Used
The dosing regimen specified in the Dosing panel.
Any excluded data points specified in the Slopes panel.
Final Parameters
Estimates of the final parameters for each level of the sort variable, including times and areas above (“TimeHigh”), in (“TimeBetween”) and below (“TimeLow”) the therapeutic response (AUCHigh, AUCLow, etc.). Parameter names that include “Inf” are extrapolated to infinity using estimated Lambda Z.
Final Parameters Pivoted
The same as Final Parameters but with one parameter per column to conveniently perform further analysis on individual parameters.
Partial Areas
Lists start and end times used to define the partial areas under the curve.
Plot Titles
The title of each graph in the output.
Slopes Settings
The settings specified for the Terminal elimination phase. It includes the start and end time for each defined time range, excluded points, fit method used and whether the time range was set by the System or the User.
Summary Table
The sort variables, X variable, points included in the regression for Lambda Z (noted with *), Y variable, predicted Y for the regression, residual for the regression, area under the curve (AUC), area under the moment curve AUMC and the weight used for the regression.
Therapeutic Response
Lists the lower and upper boundaries used to define the therapeutic response windows.
User Defined Computed Y
List of user-entered time or X values and the concentration or Y values. The Type column indicates if the value was Observed or Computed by interpolation.
User Defined Parameters
List of any user-defined parameters in the User Defined Parameters tab.
User Defined Parameters Pivoted
The same as User Defined Parameters but with one parameter per column, to conveniently perform further analysis on individual parameters.
Executing an NCA object generates an ‘Observed Y and Predicted Y vs X’ plot for each subject. Plot output is listed underneath Plots in the Results tab.
Note: Hovering over a regression line in the NCA plot result (Observed Y and Predicted Y vs X plot) displays [time, conc] value pairs. However only coordinates of the predicted value at the nearest observed time points are displayed. In other words, hovering over the regression line does not give continuous predicted coordinates.
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