Textual model interface

To use the textual editor and PML (Pharmacometrics Modeling Language) code to create the structural model:

To enter Textual mode and access the textual editor, press Edit as Textual in the Properties tab.

In the displayed dialog, press Yes to confirm using the textual editor.

When using the textual editor, the Edit as Textual button changes to either Use Builtin or Use Graphical, depending on the mode you were in before switching to the textual editor. Press this button to return to the previous mode.

The model text is displayed in the Model panel. It represents the model as it currently exists and allows editing of the structural model using PML code. The “PML examples” in the PML documentation illustrate the use of PML to create various models and describe the use of the available statements and functions.

While typing, the text editor will provide hints for adding parameters. Type the parameter and its following comma to see the hint for the next parameter.

When in text model mode, some Maximum Likelihood Models object option tabs change:

The General tab displays PML errors and warnings as model code is entered in the Model panel.

The Parameters tab displays only the parameter names and their corresponding initial values. Bounds and initial values should be entered or modified in the fixef statements in the PML code.

The Input Options tab is where infusion information is specified.

The Model Text tab displays only the column definition. The model code is now only displayed in the Model panel.

Note:    When doing a Profile of a Textual model, avoid deleting fixef parameters as this can lead to extra copies of fixed effects appearing in the “Fixed Effects” list.

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