Generate UIR output

Output from generating the UIR will have a prefix of “Vivo.UIR.” If the Generate mean profiles option in the InVivo settings tab is selected, a second set of worksheets, plots, and text files (Core output and Settings) will be created with the prefix “Vivo.UIR.Means.”


Refer to the Phoenix WinNonlin Least-Squares Regression Models “Worksheet output” section for descriptions of most of these worksheets.

Correlation Matrix


Dosing Used: The dosing regimen specified for modeling.


Final Parameters

Final Parameters Pivoted

Initial Estimates

Partial Derivatives

Predicted Data

Stacked Partial Derivatives

Summary Table

User Defined Settings

Variance Covariance Matrix


Refer to the Phoenix WinNonlin Least-Squares Regression Models “Plot output” section for descriptions of most of these plots.

Observed Y and Predicted Y vs X

Partial Derivatives Plot

Predicted Y vs Observed Y

Predicted Y vs X

Residual Y vs Predicted Y

Residual Y vs X

Text Files

Core output: Settings, summary table and final parameters.

Settings: Mappings and option settings.

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