The Convolution object generates worksheet, plot, and text output. The Convolution worksheet contains two columns: Time and the convolved data points for each level of the sort variables. The charts are a plot of the convolved data over time for each profile and a summary plot of all profiles. The text file contains settings and input datasets.
Splines and polyexponential, with option “use this fitted function”
If the Time and Input Rate columns have units, and there are units for A, then the convolved data have the following units. Note that the alpha units must equal 1/(Time units).
Time units*Input Rate units*A units
Splines and polyexponential, with option “use derivative of this fitted function”
If the Time and Cumulative Input columns have units, and there are units for A, then the convolved data have units:
Cumulative Input units*A units
Splines and splines, with option “use this fitted function”
The two Time columns must use the same units (if any). If all input columns have units, then the convolved data has units:
Time units*Input Rate units*Y units
Splines and splines, with option “use derivative of this fitted function”
The two Time columns must use the same units (if any). If all input columns have units, then the convolved data has units:
Cumulative Input units*Y units
Polyexponential and polyexponential
The alpha units must equal 1/(Time units). All alpha units must be the same; all A units must also be the same. If alpha and A units are provided, the convolved data has units:
Time units from alpha units*A units (1st poly.)*A units (2nd poly.)
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