The Phoenix NLME Validation Suite provides automated tests to validate local execution of Phoenix NLME functions and options, including PK, PD, PKPD, and Indirect modeling and data manipulation. Following an automated test run, the Phoenix NLME Validation Suite generates a report that details the tests and results.
For a complete list of tests, see “NLME test cases”.
The three base tests include an installation test case to verify that all Phoenix files have been installed in the correct locations and that they have not been modified. The other two base test cases verify that 1) two CSV files known to match will correctly be passed when compared on the user’s system and 2) two CSV files known to differ will correctly be failed when compared on the user’s system. These two test cases verify that the Validation Suite tool is functioning as intended.
Note:The Phoenix Model Object (NLME engine) can only run on 64-bit systems, so any test cases for the NLME will have a status of “not applicable” (N/A) on 32-bit systems.
Framework Tests
PHX Installation: Proper installation of all files in the correct location.
CSV File Comparison Success: Correct identification of identical CSV files by the comparison tool.
CSV File Comparison Failure: Correct identification of differing CSV files by the comparison tool.
NLME Tests
NLME BQL LLOQ PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus Laplacian: NLME BQL with censor column and BQL with static LLOQ, for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose and multiplicative error, using Laplacian engine.
NLME Count NegativeBinomial RandomBlocks Laplacian: NLME Count model with correlated random effect blocks, using LL statement for negative binomial count model and Laplacian engine.
NLME Event 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorp ImaxHazard QRPEM: NLME Time-To-Event model, using joint PK 1cmpt 1st-order absorption model and time-to-event model, with hazard described by Imax model, using QRPEM engine
NLME Indirect 1Cmpt 1stOrder StimLimitBuildup FOCE ELS: NLME indirect response built-in model, with 1cmpt 1st-order absorption PK model and limited stimulation of buildup, with multiplicative error, using FOCE-ELS engine
NLME Indirect 1Cmpt IV InhibLimitLoss Effect FOCE ELS: NLME indirect response model, with 1-cmpt IV bolus PK model, limited inhibition of loss, and effect cmpt, with multiplicative error, using FOCEELS engine.
NLME Logistic Regression Laplacian: NLME Logistic Regression model, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PD Inhibitory AdditiveError FOCE ELS: NLME inhibitory PD model with additive error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Inhibitory AdditiveError FOCE LB Comparer: NLME inhibitory PD model with additive error, using FOCE L-B engine, compared with FOCE ELS using Model Comparer.
NLME PD Stimulatory AddPlusMultError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory PD model with Add+Mult error model, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory Baseline PowerError Laplacian: NLME stimulatory PD model with baseline and power error model, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory MixRatioError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory PD model with Mix Ratio error model, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PD Stimulatory Sigmoidal MultError FOCE ELS: NLME stimulatory sigmoidal PD model with multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 0OrderAbsorption ODE FO IT2S: NLME 1-cmpt graphical PK model with 0-order absorption and multiplicative error, as ODE, using FO and IT2S-EM engines to obtain initial estimates.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 0OrderAbsorption ODE Laplacian: NLME 1-cmpt graphical PK model with 0-order absorption and multiplicative error, as ODE, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption SS FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model at steady-state, with 1st-order absorption and multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt 1stOrder Absorption Tlag FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK built-in model with a lag time, with 1st-order absorption and multiplicative error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus IOV Reset QRPEM MAP: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, interoccasion covariate, and Reset, using QRPEM engine with MAP Assist.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus MDV FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, IV bolus dose, and MDV column, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus MM ODE FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose and Michaelis-Menten elimination, as ODE, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus Nonparametric: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV bolus dose, using Nonparametric engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Infusion ADDL Cov CorrRandom FOCE ELS: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with IV infusion and ADDL dosing, continuous covariate, and correlated random effects, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 1Cmpt IV Infusion QRPEM: NLME 1-cmpt PK model with clearance parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV infusion dose, using QRPEM engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption Cov FOCE ELS: NLME 2-cmpt PK model with 1st-order absorption, multiplicative error, and a categorical covariate, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus EliminationCmpt ODE Laplacian: NLME 2-cmpt PK model with elimination compartment (plasma and urine observations) and IV bolus dose, as ODE, using Laplacian engine.
NLME PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus LogAdditiveError FOCE ELS: NLME 2-cmpt PK built-in model with IV bolus dose and log-additive residual error, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PK 3Cmpt IV Bolus Micro FOCE ELS: NLME 3-cmpt PK built-in model with micro parameterization, multiplicative error, and IV bolus dose, using FOCE ELS engine.
NLME PKPD 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorption Inhibitory QRPEM: NLME PKPD model with 1-cmpt 1st-order absorption PK model and inhibitory PD model, with multiplicative error, using QRPEM engine.
NLME PKPD Seq 1Cmpt IV Stim Baseline AddError FOCE ELS: NLME sequential PKPD model with 1-cmpt IV bolus PK model and stimulatory PD model with baseline, with additive error, using FOCE-ELS engine.
NLME Profile PK 2Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Profile option with 10% and -10% perturbations, for 2-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose.
NLME Resampling Bootstrap PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Bootstrap for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, using 100 samples.
NLME RunMPI PKPD 1Cmpt 1stOrderAbsorp Inhibitory QRPEM
NLME Simulation PK 1Cmpt IV Bolus: NLME Simulation for 1-cmpt PK model with IV bolus dose, for 1000 subjects, with simulation tables for observations at specified times and for parameter estimates
NLME Stepwise Shotgun Cov Search PK 1Cmpt: NLME Stepwise and Shotgun Covariate Searches for 1-cmpt PK model with continuous and categorical covariates.
NLME VPC ExplicitBin CovStrat PK 2Cmpt: NLME Visual Predictive Check (VPC) with explicit-centers binning and stratification by categorical covariate, for 2-cmpt PK model with 1st-order absorption
NLME VPC NoBin NoStrat PK 2Cmpt: NLME Visual Predictive Check (VPC) for 2-cmpt PK model with covariate, without binning or stratification.
PHX Desc Stats No Weighting: Descriptive Statistics with no weighting, including confidence intervals, specified number of SD, standard percentiles, and user-defined percentiles.
PHX Desc Stats Weighting: Descriptive Statistics with weighting, including confidence intervals and units.
PHX DW Transformation Arithmetic: Data Wizard Transformation with each of the predefined arithmetic transformations.
PHX DW Transformation Baseline: Data Wizard Baseline Transformations including change from fixed value, change from minimum per group, percent change from fixed value, and ratios using minimum per group.
PHX DW Transformation Functions: Data Wizard Transformation to perform inverse, absolute, exponential, ln, log10, and square root calculations.
PHX Indiv LM 501: Non-population Phoenix Model with constant linear model.
PHX Indiv MM 301: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, bolus input, and Michaelis-Menten output.
PHX Indiv PD 103: Non-population Phoenix Model with an inhibitory effect E0 model.
PHX Indiv PD 105: Non-population Phoenix Model with Sigmoid Emax model.
PHX Indiv PK 1 Clearance: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, IV bolus input, and first-order output with clearance parameterization.
PHX Indiv PK 1 PD 101: Non-population Phoenix Model with an effect compartment PK/PD link model.
PHX Indiv PK 12: Non-population Phoenix Model with two compartments, first-order input, first-order output, lag time, and with micro-constants as primary parameters.
PHX Indiv PK 18: Non-population Phoenix Model with three compartments, IV bolus input, first-order output, and with macro-constants as primary parameters.
PHX Indiv PK 6: Non-population Phoenix Model with one compartment, equal first-order input and output, and with lag time.
PHX Indiv PK 9 Units: Non-population Phoenix Model with two compartments, constant IV infusion input, first-order output, and with micro-constants as primary parameters, with units for the primary and secondary parameter results.
PHX Ratios and Differences: Ratios and Differences from one input worksheet, from two input worksheets, and using means of non-unique values.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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