Supported Special Functions

The following special functions (with some duplicates of the intrinsic versions, but with different names) are defined within the Phoenix PML language.

Commonly used distributions

Link and inverse link functions

Other special functions

Commonly used distributions

lnegbin_rp: logarithm of the probability mass function of a negative binomial, distribution parameter­ized by r and p, with its syntax given by lnegbin_rp(r, p, y)

megnin_rp: generate a random sample from a negative binomial distribution parameterized by r and p with its syntax given by rnegbin_rp(r, p) 

lnegbin: logarithm of the probability mass function of a negative binomial distribution parameterized by mean, beta (=log(alpha)), and power with its syntax given by lnegbin(mean, beta, power, y) 

pnegbin: probability mass function of a negative binomial distribution parameterized by mean, beta (= log(alpha)), and power (see “Count statement for Count models” for details) with its syntax given by pnegbin(mean, beta, power, y) 

rnegbin: generate a random sample from a negative binomial distribution parameterized by mean beta (= log(alpha)), and power with its syntax given by rnegbin(mean, beta, power) 

lpois: logarithm of the probability mass function of a Poisson distribution with its syntax given by lpois(mean, n), which returns the value of log(mean^n*exp(–mean)/n!).

ppois: probability mass function of a Poisson distribution with its syntax given by ppois(mean, n), which is the same as exp(lpois(mean, n)).

rpois: generate a random sample from a Poisson distribution (e.g., rpois(lambda) returns a ran­dom sample from a Poisson distribution with mean being lambda).

unifToPoisson: convert a uniform random number between 0 and 1 to a Poisson random number with its syntax given by unifToPoisson(mean, r), where mean denotes the mean of the Pois­son distribution and r is the uniform random number.

lnorm: logarithm of the probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution with mean being 0.
Its syntax is given by lnorm(x, std), where std denotes the standard deviation for the normal distribution.

lphi: logarithm of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a normal distribution with mean being 0. Its syntax is given by lphi(x, v), where std denotes the standard deviation of the normal distri­bution.

phi: the CDF of the standard normal distribution with syntax given by phi(x).

dinvgauss: the PDF of an inverse Gaussian distribution parameterized by mean m and shape param­eter n 


with its syntax given by dinvgauss(t, mean, shape).

ldinvgauss: logarithm of the PDF of an inverse Gaussian distribution parameterized by mean m and shape parameter n with its syntax given by ldinvgauss(t, mean, shape); that is, ldinv­gauss(t, mean, shape) = log(dinvgauss(t, mean, shape).

pinvgauss: the CDF of an inverse Gaussian distribution parameterized by mean m and shape param­eter n 


with a syntax given by pinvgauss(t, mean, shape). Here F denotes the CDF of the stan­dard normal distribution.

lpinvgauss: the logarithm of the CDF of an inverse Gaussian distribution parameterized by mean m and shape parameter n with its syntax given by lpinvgauss(t, mean, shape). That is, lpinvgauss(t, mean, shape) = log(pinvgauss(t, mean, shape)).

dweibull: the PDF of a Weibull distribution parameterized by the shape parameter n and the scale parameter l 


with its syntax given by dweibull(x, shape, scale).

ldweibull: the logarithm of the PDF of a Weibull distribution parameterized by the shape parameter n and the scale parameter l with its syntax given by ldweibull(x, shape, scale). That is, ldweibull(x, shape, scale) = log(dweibull(x, shape, scale)).

pweibull: the CDF of a Weibull distribution parameterized by the shape parameter n and the scale parameter l 


with its syntax given by pweibull(x, shape, scale).

lpweibull: logarithm of the CDF of a Weibull distribution parameterized by the shape parameter n and the scale parameter l with its syntax given by lpweibull(x, shape, scale). That is, lpweibull(x, shape, scale) = log(pweibull(x, shape, scale)).

Link and inverse link functions

probit: inverse of the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution with syntax given by probit(p).

iprobit: inverse probit with syntax given by iprobit(x), which is the same as phi(x).

ilogit: inverse-logit with syntax given by ilogit(x), which is equal to exp(x)/(exp(x)+1).

iloglog: inverse log-log link function with syntax given by iloglog(x).

icloglog: inverse complementary log-log link function with syntax given by icloglog(x).

Other special functions

CalcTMax: obtain Tmax for a macro-parameter model (e.g., CalcTMax(A, a, B, b, C, c)).

lambertw: the Lambert W-function is the inverse of function x given by x(y)=y*exp(y).

lgamm: logarithm of the gamma function (e.g., lgamm(x)).

factorial: factorial function (e.g., factorial(x) returns x factorial, and is the same as x!=x*(x – 1)*…*1).

erfunc: error function (e.g., erfunc(x) returns the value of the error function at x).

abs: absolute (e.g., abs(x) return the absolute value of x).

min: minimum (e.g., min(x, y))

max: maximum (e.g., max(x, y))

log10: log base 10 (e.g., log10(x))

ln: natural log (e.g., ln(x))

vfwt: observation variance function with its syntax given by vfwt(f, p), which returns the value of max(0, f^(p/2).

Last modified date:7/9/20
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