
The ggquickeda object provides access to the ggquickeda R shiny application, which is an interface to ggplot2/table1. The application enables quick exploration of data to detect trends on the fly. You can do scatter plots, dot plots, box plots, bar plots, histograms, densities, and summary statistics tables.

The ggquickeda object requires:

Installation of R: It is recommended that the version of R required to run the ggquickeda package be verified by looking at the ggquickeda documentation on the website.

Configuration of the Phoenix R plugin: Use the R panel of the Phoenix Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences) to set the location of the R executable in the R Location field, assign an output folder using the Default Output Folder field, and check the Create a unique subfolder for each run box so that the results of each run are kept separate from other run results.

Installation of the R package ggquickeda: Use R package installation process (e.g., install.packages(“ggquickeda”)). All other R packages required to run ggquickeda will also be installed. For a list of these additional packages, see the ggquickeda documentation on the website.

Information on using the ggquickeda package can be found at

Use one of the following to add the object to a Workflow:

Right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > External Software > ggquickeda.
Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > External Software > ggquickeda.
Main menu: Insert > Open External Software > ggquickeda.

Note:A dataset must be mapped to the object before the ggquickeda interface is displayed. To do this, use the Select Source button in the area to the right of the Object Browser. If you use drag and drop instead, be sure to drag to the top area near the View Source button on the right until the mouse cursor changes from unavailable to available and then release the mouse button (other­wise, the dataset will not be mapped and the interface will not open).

Note:To view the object in its own window, select it in the Object Browser and double-click it or press ENTER. All instructions for setting up and execution are the same whether the object is viewed in its own window or in Phoenix view.

Once you have executed the ggquickeda object, import the results into Phoenix to continue your anal­ysis.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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