Create RELREC and POOLDEF Domains

When the PK Submit > Create RELREC and POOLDEF Domains menu item is selected, the REL­REC and POOLDEF (Sparse analysis only) domains are immediately created and added to the Data folder.

POOLDEF is used to link multiple subjects to a single POOLID. The POOLID itself is created by con­catenating the unique combination of all NCA sort variables (excluding the subject).

PK SUBMIT will create the RELREC domain using the many-to-many mapping method. This method links the PC.PCGRPID numbers with the PP.PPGRPID numbers by the RELID value. In the following image, the RELID=1 is used to link ALL records in the PC domain where PCGRPID= “Test Study1-1001A-ABC-111-1” to ALL records in the PP domain where PPGRPID=”Test Study1-1001A-ABC-111-1”.


Note:PK Submit will split all .xpt domains greater than 5 gigabytes (GB) in size into smaller datasets no larger than 5 GB.

Validation of POOLDEF domain creation

Once PK Submit > Create RELREC and POOLDEF Domains is selected from the main menu, PK Submit will perform the following checks:

Check that the POOLID values match between Pool Definition dataset (POOLDEF) and PP domain.

Check that the SEND and dataset variable type match.

Check that the following variables are populated: STUDYID, POOLID, USUBJID.

A failure results in a displayed warning message and/or a message written to the Validation Report in the Documents folder.

Validation of RELREC domain creation

Once PK Submit > Create RELREC and POOLDEF Domains is selected from the main menu, PK Submit will perform the following checks:

Check that the SEND/SDTM and dataset variable type match

Check that the following variables are populated: STUDYID, RDOMAIN, USUBJID, IDVAR, IDVARVAL, RELID, RELTYPE (SDTM only).

A failure results in a displayed warning message and/or a message written to the Validation Report in the Documents folder.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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