If a table is too wide to fit on a single page, File Explorer resizes the table before it is inserted into Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. However, tables too wide to fit on one page ARE NOT automatically resized if they are inserted as editable objects. This retains font sizes and other characteristics in their original format.
If a very wide table is inserted as an editable object, then the table flows over the page margins. To insert a very wide table as an editable object, do the following:
•Create an AP Automation or AP Analyte Comparison project and select the Display tab.
•Select the Display Options tab, and select the Automatic Splitting checkbox in the Table column.
Any changes made to tables or charts inserted as editable objects are only reflected in Word and PowerPoint. The source files that were created by AutoPilot Toolkit and inserted into Word or PowerPoint are not affected.
For this reason the source files are not required to be located on the same computer that is to be used to edit the objects. However, Excel and SigmaPlot are required on any computer used to edit table and chart objects, respectively.
When inserting AutoPilot Toolkit templates, executing the node prior to saving it as a template can prevent the template from being exported to Word. Create the template before executing the node.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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