Model engines

FOCE Lindstrom-Bates (FOCE L-B)
FO engine
Naive pooled engine
Adaptive Gaussian quadrature
NonParametric engine

FOCE Lindstrom-Bates (FOCE L-B)

FOCE L-B applies only to observational data that are continuous and modeled with a Gaussian likeli­hood. As with FOCE ELS and FO, the random effects (ETAs) are assumed normally distributed as like the residuals (EPSs). Overall this implies that a first-order linearization of the model with respect to ETAs and EPSs will have a normal (Gaussian) distribution of values when evaluated at a given time point for a random individual.

FOCE L-B solves a sequence of linearized mixed effects problems. Each iteration consists of the fol­lowing steps:

The iterations are repeated until convergence, which is defined by reduction of the gap, or the differ­ence between starting and final optimal log likelihood values for the current linearized problem, to less than a specified tolerance. In Phoenix, the specified tolerance is 0.001. The progress of the current gap value computation is displayed in an external window.

FOCE L-B usually converges, but there is no theoretical guarantee of convergence and both oscilla­tory and divergent behavior might occasionally occur. The final converged parameter values repre­sent the optimal FOCE solution to the final linearized problem, and are usually, but not necessarily, very close to the optimal FOCE ELS solution.

Note that convergence need not be monotonic. That is, the gaps do not always decrease, and the log likelihoods of the solutions to the linearized problems do not necessarily improve from iteration to iter­ation.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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