Install the executables and examples
Run the setup.exe installation program that comes with the Phoenix installation package. For more on installing Phoenix, see “Phoenix Installation and Licensing”. This installs the executables, DLLs, and C++ files needed to run the NLME engines in command line mode into <Phoenix_install_dir>\application\lib\NLME\Executables.
A group of seven modeling examples are installed in separate subfolders in <Phoenix_install_dir>\application\Examples\NLME\Command Line. You can save a copy of the Examples directory (installed with Phoenix) to your Phoenix project directory via the Project Settings in the Phoenix Preferences dialog.
In addition to the model, column definition, and data files, each example folder includes three batch files: Cmd.bat, RunNLME.bat, and RunNLMEMPI.bat.
Note:The Command window used to execute the command line scripts must be Run as Administrator. If running on a server, the user must be logged in as an administrator.
Run the example model 1:
Navigate to …\Examples\NLME\Command Line\Model 1.
Double-click the file Cmd.bat, or right-click to Run as Administrator.
A Windows command line window is opened.
In the command window, navigate to the Model 1 subdirectory.
Run 500 iterations using engine 3 (-LB) on model lyon04.mdl with the column mapping file COLS04.TXT and the data file EMAX02.csv with this command:
RunNLME 3 500 lyon04.mdl COLS04.TXT EMAX02.csv
The output is created in the Model 1 subdirectory.
Run example models 2–7:
Select the Model 2 subdirectory.
Double-click the file Cmd.bat, or right-click to Run as Administrator.
In the command window, navigate to the Model 2 subdirectory.
Run 500 iterations using engine 3 on model LYON05.mdl with the column mapping file COLS05.TXT and the data file EM01.csv with the command:
RunNLME 3 500 LYON05.mdl COLS05.TXT EM01.csv
To run the models 3–7, open each model subdirectory and double-click Cmd.bat, or right-click to Run as Administrator.
Use the following statements to run each model from the command line:
Model 3: RunNLME 5 200 fm1theo.mdl colstheo.txt ThBates.csv
Model 4: RunNLME 5 200 fm3theo.mdl colstheo.txt ThBates.csv
Model 5: RunNLME 5 200 pheno2.mdl colspheno2.txt pheno2.csv
RunNLME 5 200 pheno2.mdl colspheno2.txt phobs.csv
Model 6: RunNLME 5 200 apolipo.mdl colsapolipo.txt apo2.csv
Model 7: RunNLME 5 200 apolipo2.mdl colsapolipo.txt apo2.csv
Last modified date:7/9/20
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