Finding a cell value in a worksheet

To find a cell by column and row

With a worksheet displayed, select Edit > Go To.

In the dialog, use the Column menu to select the column in which the cell is located.

In the Row Number field, type the row number in which the cell is located.

Click OK to select the corresponding cell and scroll to that location in the worksheet.

To find a cell by its value

Select Edit > Find.


In the dialog, type the number or text to search for in the Find field.

For numerical values, use the Tolerance field to enter a tolerance value. Numeric values that are +/- the tolerance of the search value are considered to match the search value.

For text or text and numbers, check the Case Sensitive checkbox to search for text that matches the capitalization of the search value.

In the Search Area, select the Entire Dataset, Column, or Current Selection option button to define the search range.

If the Column option button is selected, use the menu to select which column is searched.

In the Operation area, select one of the operator checkboxes to find values equal to, less than, greater than the search value. Multiple checkboxes can be selected to create additional operators.

= (equal to the search value)

< (less than the search value)

<= (less than or equal to the search value)

> (greater than the search value)

>= (greater than or equal to the search value)

<> (not equal to the search value)

Last modified date:7/9/20
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