Categorical observation block

Use the Categorical Observation block to model multinomial data. The data should be given as inte­ger (whole) number values, such as 0, 1, 2, etc. A key feature of the Categorical Observation block is the ability to use model variables to affect the probability of observing data in a particular category. For instance, the Categorical Observation block could be used to link the probability of a patient reporting adverse effects of a given type to the administered dose or even drug concentration.

The default settings for the Categorical Observation block give a 50% chance of a zero or one output when the input value is zero. The probability of a one output increases as the input value increases from zero.

The Categorical Observation block can be connected to any PK compartment, observation block, PD block, or parameter block. See the Continuous Observation block section for instructions on adding and deleting a connection.

To specify categorical observation options

Last modified date:7/9/20
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