Basic command line syntax

Note:The Command window used to execute the command line scripts must be Run as Administra­tor.

The NLME command line statement has a basic syntax that is composed of six command line argu­ments.

   runNLME engine_number maxiterations model colmap data


runNLME: The name of the batch file used to call the compiler to compile the model, in this case, the file is called runNLME.

engine_number: The number corresponding to the specific engine to use with the model.

  1: QRPEM (Quasi-Random Parametric expectation-maximization)
  2: IT2S-EM (Iterated 2-stage expectation-maximization)
  3: FOCE L-B (First-Order Conditional Estimation, Lindstrom-Bates)
  4: FO (First Order)
  5: General likelihood engine*
  6: Naïve pooled

(*Includes FOCE ELS (Extended Least Squares; default), Laplacian, and adaptive Gaussian quadrature methods. Method selection is controlled by flags and parameters in file nlmef­lags.asc.)

maxiterations: An integer between zero and 10000 that specifies the maximum number of iterations to run the main optimization routine in each engine. If maxiterations is zero, no optimization is run but the model is evaluated at the initial solution defined in the model file or restart file. In this case, the standard output files are written using the initial solution as the fitted solution. Any post optimization computations such as a nonparametric analysis or a standard error computation specified in nlmeflags*.asc are also run.

model: Name of the model file.

colmap: Name of a column mapping file that associates variable names in the model file with column names in the data file. Use of quotes in this file is optional to allow otherwise non-permit­ted column names to be resolved.

data: Name of the data file.

For example,

  runNLME 3 200 lyon04.mdl COLS04.TXT EMAX02.csv

runs the FOCE L-B engine (engine number 3) on model file lyon04.mdl with the column mapping file COLS04.TXT and the data file EMAX02.csv for a maximum of 200 iterations.t

Last modified date:7/9/20
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