The Annotation block is used to add notes to a model.
Insert an Annotation block by selecting Insert > Annotation from the right-click menu.
Use the pointer to select an Annotation block.
In the Note field, type a note or description.
Check the Border checkbox to add a border to the annotation.
Annotation blocks do not wrap the text.
Press ENTER to add another line to the annotation.
If the Annotation block has a border, the block can be expanded to surround the text.
Expand the block by selecting it with the pointer.
Place the pointer over one of the blue squares on the corners of the Annotation block. Single-click and drag the blue square to expand the block around the text.
Use a vascular flow to represent blood flow in physiologically based PK models. Use this flow to connect PK compartments representing organs or other areas into circuits of blood flow. The flow rate between organs is represented by the variable Q.
Insert a Vascular flow by selecting Insert > PBPK > Vascular Flow from the right-click menu.
Use the pointer to select the first compartment of the flow.
Use the pointer to select the second compartment of the flow.
Note:A Vascular Flow should connect a central or a peripheral compartment. It should not be used to connect an elimination or an absorption compartment.
To specify Vascular Flow options
Use the pointer to select a Vascular Flow.
Click Draw multiple times to toggle through the options for drawing the PK flow in the Graphical model interface.
Diagonal: Draws the diagonal flow.
Horizontal First: Draws the flow horizontally from the first compartment.
Vertical First: Draws the flow vertically from the first compartment.
In the CL field, enter a name for the input variable or use the default.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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