Remote Processing Server

The RPS (Remote Processing Server) allows users to submit particular steps in their workflows to external programs (e.g., NONMEM, SAS, etc.) for remote execution. The RPS Queue and RPS Pro­cessor work together to efficiently submit the remote jobs to the various programs and return the results.



Diagram of how remote processing works

This section includes the following topics:

RPS Processor set up

RPS Queue set up

RPS Admin user management

RPS job viewer

RPS Processor set up

Each RPS processing server should contain only one RPS processor installation, but each processor installation can be configured to process multiple jobs concurrently. RPS processors can be installed on any number of servers, and each processor can be configured to process different job types. For instance, there could be one server that only processes R jobs, one server that only processes NON­MEM jobs, and yet another server that processes R, NONMEM and SAS jobs. The queue will only send a processor jobs of types that it is configured to process.

To install a processor

  1. Copy to the machine that will perform the execution.
    The executing machine must be able to ping the machine where the RPS Queue is installed.

  2. Create a new folder where the RPS processor will be installed.

  3. Unzip into the new installation folder.

  4. Modify the serverConfig.xml file as needed (discussed below).

  5. After saving changes to serverConfig.xml start the RPS by opening a command window, navigating to the installation folder and typing the following:

    java –jar PhoenixJobProcessor.jar

See “Windows Service Notes” and “Linux Daemon Notes” for some platform-specific information.

RPS processors are configured by editing the file serverConfig.xml. Configuration consists of specifying the queue address, defining which types of processes the server can execute, specifying the number of concurrent processes the server is allowed to process, and process-specific attributes such as desired output location.

Configurable attributes












Maximum number of processes that the server can exe­cute simultaneously.



Maximum number of lines to return when log info is requested by the Queue.




Type of processor. Valid names include: r, sas, non­mem7, psn, and custom.



Java class to be used to process all jobs for that type.
The class must implement the interface com.Cer­tara.phx.process.IProcessor.
Unless a custom processor is required, this value should not be changed.



Defines whether or not more than one instance of this process type can be executed simultaneously.
Valid values are true and false.



File name to use for job specific log information requested by the Queue.
If not specified, no job specific log info will be available in the Queue.



Root location to write all output for this type of job.
Each job creates a unique subdirectory based on the Job ID.
If not specified, a temporary folder is created which is deleted after execution has completed and results have been returned to the Queue.



Name that the output folder is shared as on the net­work.
This is useful when there are shortcut results.
If the share name is specified, Phoenix shortcuts use the share name when constructing UNC paths to the file.
If the share name is not specified, then a UNC path is constructed in the form: \\server\PathFromRoot for shortcut results.




RPS Queue Server name.



Context root of the Queue Server. In most cases, this value is “PhoenixServer”.



Port to use when accessing the Queue Server.



Valid values are true and false.



The http timeout value in seconds.



Defines, in seconds, how often requests are sent to the Queue.

The example configuration file that is shipped with the product contains definitions for all process types. The types of processes that are processed on a server can be limited by removing or com­menting unused process types. For example, if the processor is only to process NONMEM and R pro­cess types, then the file would look something like this:

 <settings logLevel="CONFIG">
    <processors maxProcesses="1" maxLogLines="50">
       <processor name="r" class="com.Certara.phx.process.
       RProcessor" allowConcurrentExecution="false"
          logFile="PHOENIX.LOG" outputFolder=
          "c:\\Output\\RPS\\R" outputShareName="R">
          <parameter name="executablepath" value=
          "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.13.1\\bin\\R.exe"/>
          <parameter name="args" value="--quiet"/>
       <processor name="nonmem7" class="com.Certara.phx.
       process.NonMemProcessor" allowConcurrentExecution=
          logFile="stdout.txt" outputFolder=
          <parameter name="executablepath" value=
     <server name="localhost" root="PhoenixServer" port="8080"
    useSSL="false" timeout="300" pollInterval="5" />

Windows Service Notes

The install_service.bat file can be used to install the service. A few modifications might be required to the script to accommodate variations in specific installation file paths. The batch file spec­ifies the necessary Java options required to run the PhoenixJobProcessor, and specifies a location in which to find the serverConfig.xml file (JobProcessorHome environment variable).

If a 64-bit version of Java is being used, replace all instances of job_processor.exe with job_processor64.exe.


 @echo off
 rem -------------------------------------------------------
 rem Start/Stop Script for the Phoenix Job Processor
 rem -------------------------------------------------------
set job_processor_home=C:\ PhoenixRemote
set cp=%job_processor_home%\lib\apache-mime4j-0.6.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\commons-codec-1.3.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\commons-daemon-
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\commons-logging-
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\httpclient-4.0.1.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\httpcore-4.0.1.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\httpmime-4.0.1.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\xercesImpl.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\lib\xml-apis.jar
set cp=%cp%;%job_processor_home%\PhoenixJobProcessor.jar
 REM echo %cp%
 @echo on
 job_processor.exe //IS//PhoenixJobProcessor --Install=
C:\PhoenixRemote\ job_processor.exe --Description=
     "Phoenix Job Processor" --Jvm=auto --Classpath=%cp% --
     StartMode=jvm --StartClass=com.Certara.phx.process.
     ProcessRunnerService --StartParams=start --StopMode=
     jvm --StopClass=com.Certara.phx.process.
     ProcessRunnerService --StopParams=stop --LogPath=
%job_processor_home%\logs --LogPrefix=service.log --

Linux Daemon Notes

Use the script to run RPS as a Linux daemon. The script must be modified to update the values for JAVA_HOME, PHOENIX_JOB_PROCESSOR_HOME, DAE­MON_HOME, TMP_DIR, and JOB_PROCESSOR_USER so that they are appropriate for the user’s environment.

Once the script has been modified, start RPS like this:
  sh ./ start 

Stop the process using the stop argument like this:
  sh ./ stop 


 #   Copyright 2010 Certara
  # Small shell script to start/stop Phoenix Job Processor
  # using jsvc. Adapt the following lines to your
 # configuration
 case "$1" in
      # Start Phoenix JobProcessor
-home $JAVA_HOME \$TMP_DIR \
$PHOENIX_JOB_PROCESSOR_HOME/phoenix_job_processor.out \
       -errfile '&1' \
      # To get a verbose JVM
#-verbose \
      # To get a debug of jsvc.
#-debug \
      # Stop Phoenix JobProcessor
      PID=`cat /var/run/`
      kill $PID
      echo "Usage start/stop"
      exit 1;;

RPS Queue set up

The RPS Queue is a Web Archive that is deployed to a servlet container. The following instructions describe how to deploy the RPS Queue to Tomcat.

  1. Stop Tomcat.

  2. Copy PhoenixServer.war to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps.

  3. Start Tomcat.

A few configuration options are available by editing the file %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\Phoe­nixServer\WEB-INF\web.xml. Care should be taken when editing this file, and changes should only be made to the parameter values specified. The parameter names should never be changed.

Steps for configuring:

  1. Stop Tomcat.

  2. Make desired changes to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\PhoenixServer\WEB-INF\web.xml.

  3. Save the file.

  4. Start Tomcat.

Configurable parameter values

Parameter Name

Parameter Value


Valid values in order of increasing detail are: CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, and SEVERE.


Relative path to the directory where logs should be writ­ten.


Valid values are true and false.


Relative path to the XML file that contains the defined admin users.




RPS Admin user management

Admin users are managed by editing the file AdminUsers.xml. The location of the file is configu­rable, but the default file location is %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps\PhoenixServer\AdminUs­ers.xml.

By default, an example user “admin” is in the shipped file.

     user name="admin" password=" "/>

Notice that the password attribute is empty. The password attribute should always be left empty when adding a new user. The user will be prompted to create a password the first time they login. The pass­word will be encoded when it is saved.

For instance, to define two administrators with user names johndoe and janedoe, the file would look like this:

    <user name="johndoe" password=" "/>
    <user name="janedoe" password=" "/>

Once the user has been added to the file, navigate to the Job Viewer.

Example address: http://myhost:8080/PhoenixServer 

  1. Click the Login as administrator link.

  2. Job_Server_main_page.png 

    Phoenix Job Viewer showing “Login as administrator” link

  3. Enter user name and leave the password blank.

  4. Admin_Login.png 

    Administrator login page

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Enter the password twice and click Submit.


Change password page

Now, if the AdminUsers.xml file is opened, the an encoded password is listed for the user john­doe.

 <user name="johndoe" password=" am9obmRvZQ=="/>

To reset a password, delete the password text so that the password attribute is empty, and the user will once again be prompted to enter a password the next time they login.

Add and delete users by editing the file as necessary.

RPS job viewer

RPS jobs can be viewed by navigating to the Job Viewer in a browser. Users can get the URL from their internal IT personnel.

Example address: http://servername:8080/PhoenixServer 


Job Viewer

When a job is processing, it is possible to view a tail of the log file provided the log file has been spec­ified on the processing machine. When a job begins processing a View Log button is displayed next to the job as in the following image.


View Log button is added in last column of a running job

Clicking View Log will take the user to the Log Viewer window. The Log Viewer only displays the last several lines of the log. The number of lines displayed is configurable on the processing machine.


Log Viewer for a running job

Administrators can login by clicking the link Login as administrator, entering their user name and password, and clicking OK. Once a user is logged in as administrator, they are able to kill jobs and update priorities for jobs that are waiting to process.

Jobs are processed first by priority and then by submit time. So, if two jobs are changed to High prior­ity, the one that was submitted first will be the first job processed. All jobs are assigned the default pri­ority of Normal when they enter the queue.

The Kill option should only be used as a last resort. Users should first attempt cancel jobs using the Phoenix Job Viewer. Theoretically, it should never be necessary to use the Kill option. However, if for some reason a job becomes stuck in the queue or cannot be canceled from the client, the Kill option can be used to cancel and clear the job from the queue.


Options on the Priority pull-down menu.


Last modified date:6/26/19
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