CDISC Navigator

CDISC Navigator supports the importing and exporting of CDISC data in either the SDTM (Study Data Tabulation Model) or the SEND (Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data) format.

CDISC SDTM is a unified way of transmitting information in drug studies with precise column names and a common file format. The CDISC STDM implementation in CDISC Navigator is compliant with the standards in the SDTM Implementation Guide 3.1.1.

CDISC SEND is an implementation of SDTM for nonclinical studies and specifies a consistent format for presenting and exchanging nonclinical data. The CDISC SEND implementation in CDISC Navigator is compliant with the standards in the SEND Implementation Guide 3.0.

For further information, please visit the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Web site at

A typical workflow using CDISC Navigator tools begins by obtaining the SEND files from the labs, then using CDISC Preparer to generate the data and format needed for the NCA analysis. The NCA analysis will generate the necessary PK parameters and SEND columns, which in turn can be exported to a PP SEND file.

CDISC Navigator includes support for the following domains:

CDISC domains supported by CDISC Navigator


Domain name




A set of essential standard variables that describe each subject in a clinical study.


Subject Char­acteristics

Subject-related data not collected in other domains.



A subject’s exposure to protocol-specified study treat­ment.


PK Concen­tration

Concentrations of drugs/metabolites in fluids or tissues as a function of time.


PK Parame­ters

Pharmacokinetic parameters derived from pharmaco­kinetic concentration-time (PC) data.


Vital Signs

Subject records related to height, weight, and frame size. One row per subject per vital signs measurement per visit.

CDISC datasets are saved as SAS Version 5 transport files (.xpt). Datasets exported from CDISC Navigator are automatically saved as SAS transport files.

This section contains the following topics:

CDISC Export

CDISC Import

CDISC time formats

CDISC Export

Note:Although the images in this section show the SDTM Export Wizard, the options are identical to those in the SEND Export Wizard.


Selection of domains for export

To specify a file outside of Phoenix as the source

Upon export, the original .xpt file from the file system is overwritten. Because of this, there is no need to do any mapping for the domain.

To specify a Phoenix object as the source


Example mapping — DM domain

Note:When exporting a PP domain, an additional checkbox is shown above the table, Include REL­REC. Turn on to include related records. See “Exporting related records” for more information.

The exported data is placed in a directory with date and time stamps included in the name. A mes­sage is displayed telling users when the export is complete. If a required field is missing, the export continues, but an alert is presented to the user.

Exporting related records

Exporting related records provides a link between parameter calculations and the data in the original data source that went into the calculation.This is accomplished by creating a RELREC worksheet in the output that stores the connection information.

There are some limitations/considerations when exporting related records:

Assume that CDISC DM, EX, and PC domains are imported into Phoenix using the CDISC Data Pre­parer object.

Note:Selecting the dataset that was imported into the Phoenix project instead of the original dataset is not recommended. During import, modifications to the data have occurred (e.g., different date and time formations, relative time calculations, etc.) and the purpose of exporting related records is to be able to track the data that went into a calculation back to the original CDISC dataset.


Checking the “Include RELREC” box creates the RELREC.xpt file

The image below shows a portion of an exported RELREC.xpt file. For the rows where IDVAR=PCSEQ, each sequence has an identifier listed in the IDVARVAL column. The RELID column lists the NCA profile identifier. Thus, PCSEQs 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 30, and 32 all were included in calculating profile P1.


Example RELREC.xpt file (sequence and NCA profile identifier columns circled)

Looking further down in the RELREC.xpt file, where IDVAR=PPSEQ, each row reflects a different parameter. Each sequence number (IDVARVAL) can be tracked back to a parameter that was calcu­lated.


Tracking sequence number back to calculated parameter in RELREC.xpt file

CDISC Import


CDISC SDTM Import dialog

The imported dataset is added to the Data folder in the Object Browser.

CDISC time formats

Below are some important notes regarding the time formats used in CDISC.


Last modified date:6/26/19
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