With the item to save selected in the Object Browser, select Integral > Add Selected Item (or right-click the item in the Object Browser and select Add Selected Item to Integral).
All of the repositories to which you have been permitted access are listed in the Repository pull-down. Select the one to which the item is to be saved.
Enter a name (Name) for the item or use the default name.
Select the type of the item being added from the Type pull-down.
For SAS Transport Files, select the CDISC Model for the file from the menu.
For Text (Space, Tab, or Comma delimited), check the box(es) if the file has a header row and/or has a units row.
Options available when a Phoenix object is selected are:
- Excel Workbook: Saves the object results worksheets to Integral.
- Phoenix Template: Saves the object as a .PHXTMPLT file.
- Phoenix Object Settings: Saves the object settings to a .PHXSETTING file.
Enter a description (Description) of the item.
Identify the Integral folder in which to save the item by choosing the Root Folder first and then selecting the sub-folder.
Use to restrict the list of root folders to only the ones marked as favorites. To refresh the list, click
Items that do not appear in the Select Folder list include: savepoints, locked folders, blinded folders (unless you have View Blind, Create, and Read permissions for that folder), folders where upload=false, and folders where you do not have both Create and Read permissions
Optionally choose a Status for the item from the menu.
The values predefined in Integral include Final, Draft, Reviewed, and Approved. Other values may be defined by the Administrator.
Press OK to add the item to Integral.
After entering the information for an electronic signature, if the item already exists in Integral, a pop-up dialog displays asking if the existing file should be overwritten.
Press Yes to add the selected item as a new revision of the existing item.
Press No to return to the Add Selected Item dialog without adding the item to Integral.
When SAS Transport Files is selected as the Type, there is an additional step of reviewing the column names to complete the process.
In the dialog, enter information that is appropriate for the data being exported:
SAS Variable: The name of the SAS variable (limited to eight characters).
SAS Label: The SAS column label header (limited to 40 characters).
Include: Set to True to include or False to exclude the column.
Precision Type: Set the precision type to either Significant Digits or Decimal Places.
Precision: The number of significant digits or decimal places.
Data Type: Select the data type as Numeric or Text, or leave it set to Auto to export the column as it is in Phoenix.
Format: The .NET format to use for numeric data. G displays values in fixed-point or scientific notation (e.g., G, G4, G8). E displays values in scientific notation, followed by a precision specifier (e.g., E, E4, E8). F displays values in real numbers (e.g., F, F4, F8).
Optionally enter a Data Set Name.
This name is internal to SAS and independent of the actual file name.
From the Data Set Standard menu, choose the standard version (Version 5,6, Version 8, or Version 9).
To save the SAS export settings in the Documents folder, press Save Settings.
The settings are saved as a text file and named after the dataset name.
To load the SAS export settings from the Documents folder, press Load Settings, select the SAS export settings file in the Documents folder, and press Select.
Press OK to save the worksheet as an SAS Transport File.
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