Integral 23.4.1 Release Notes

What’s New

Issues Corrected

Known Issues

April 2023

What’s New

Web Application

SSO for E-signatures has been implemented (INTG-3988). Note: This requires an extension to be installed for the web browser. Instructions will be provided.

Revision numbers are recorded in the audit trail for a Savepoint (INTG-1222).

PDF and HTML file type and content viewers:

The content of a PDF file can now be viewed in the Contents tab (INTG-286).

The content of an HTML file can now be viewed in the Contents tab (INTG-1365).

Security group enhancements:

The name of a security group can be edited (INTG-3882).

Immediately after a group is created, the page for that new group is immediately displayed (INTG-3883).

A copy of a security group can be created and modified (INTG-3884): Enables creation of new groups by simply editing an existing one.

The Home page supports different views of the folder structure based on selected metadata (INTG-3744): New Views icon in the Browser toolbar.

The user list in the Effective User Permissions tab can be sorted by whether they have any permissions set (INTG-3963).

First Name and Last Name of user now displayed in audit report (INTG-3966).

Savepoint Diff report now contains information about dependencies for that savepoint such as the location of the dependency and what was added, modified, or removed for that savepoint (INTG-3961).

User now can compare multiple versions of a savepoint in the savepoint diff report if there are more than two versions of a savepoint (e.g., Compare v3 to v1, v5 to v3, etc.) (INTG-1257).

Date/Time stamps in Integral now include “UTC” to relay to users that the date/time stamps recorded are in UTC format (INTG-3942).

Phoenix Plugin

SSO for E-signatures has been implemented (INTG-3988).

Files within Phoenix can now be uploaded directly to Integral (INTG-3741): The “Add Selected Item” functionality is now available after being redesigned.

Drag and drop can be used with the following functionality:

Upload files (INTG 3754): Drag and drop directly in the plugin window or into the upload window in the plugin browser.

Copy/Link files (INTG-3755).

Compare files (INTG-3756).

Phoenix projects created outside of Integral can now be saved to Integral with versioning similar to a Savepoint (INTG-3743).

Watson Transfer to root folders/subfolders (INTG-3587): Root folders or subfolders can now be chosen when transferring data to Integral from Watson.

User is now prevented from loading a selected item into a savepoint if that item belongs to that savepoint’s folder (INTG-3758): This prevents creating dependencies that could cause the savepoint to go out-of-date unnecessarily.

Client Application

SSO for E-signatures has been implemented (INTG-3988).

Savepoint revision number is displayed at the folder level (INTG-446).

Issues Corrected

Web Application

Deleting a folder or file no longer affects the display of the previous event’s action in the History Tab (INTG-3943).

The presence of an incorrect rule for a Group no longer prevents the display of folders using other Group rules (INTG-3899).

Phoenix Plugin

Drag and drop of files now works when uploading files from the desktop to the Integral Browser, copying files, linking files, and comparing files in the Integral plugin (INTG-600, INTG-3619).

A reported issue where saving projects from Phoenix to Integral occasionally resulted in a failure with timeout errors has been closed as not reproducible (INTG-975).

Default Save Options now treat Object Name Pattern as an exact match (INTG-3617).

Client Application

Savepoint folder no longer remains red in Local Directory after syncing with Integral (INTG-3117): This issue was resolved in 22.10.1, but remained listed as a Known Issue.

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